About Us
Our Mission
Give patients a voice
Our Vision
Make healthcare 'Patient Intelligent'
Our Story
Written by Nadine van Dongen, Founder and Managing Director
I founded PIPHealth in 2008 with a mission to improve the quality of life for millions of patients through research and the drive towards patient-centred healthcare. We work with patient advocacy organisations in the UK and other countries in Europe to make sure your voice is heard regarding your personal healthcare experiences.
On August 27th 2005, a life-changing car accident on a Dutch motorway left me with two broken vertebrae, two collapsed lungs, and a host of other injuries. An empty ambulance driving past saved my life, but I was in a coma for two weeks and it was unclear if I would survive. After waking up, I suffered from excruciating 24/7 pain and struggled with rehabilitation due to severe nerve damage. My colleagues at Servier, the pharmaceutical company I was working for, stepped in and sought out new nerve pain drugs and treatments at other companies. This resulted in a second opinion which resulted in me getting more effective drugs and treatments.
Today, two scars are the only visible reminder of the accident. The event and support made me realise that not all patients have the privilege of having connections in the pharmaceutical industry to source the correct treatments.
As a patient, your views should be the most important thing in deciding what the best treatment is for you. Maybe your medication makes concentrating at work more difficult. Or maybe you’re unhappy about the way you are treated. Or perhaps you’re happy with your healthcare, and you just want to share your experiences. Either way, sometimes it can feel like no-one is listening to you. Patients often don’t have a voice in their care. PIPHealth listens. We communicate your needs to the healthcare industry to improve your quality of care whilst improving your quality of life.
We work in more than 140 disease areas and conditions. From mental health illnesses, through to cancer, growth hormone deficiency and cardiovascular diseases – we have a proven track record in providing excellent patient insight reports to help decision making in healthcare. All of our work aid in improving healthcare through research and communication.
When you contact us, we will match you with the right research project, to ensure your voice is heard.
Our Values
Building trust with our members and research participants is of utmost importance to us. We place trust at the centre of everything we do so we are able to gain meaningful insight into your healthcare experiences and perspectives, allowing us to produce impactful research.
We understand that your experiences regarding your health can often be very personal and difficult. We are here to listen to your experiences with empathy, without judgement and we provide a confidential space for your comfort and well-being.
Impactful Research
We refine our approach to conducting research with our clients to ensure we collect valid, relevant and useful qualitative and quantitative data so our research has impact on the wider healthcare sector. Impactful research is crucial for us to achieve our mission of making healthcare more Patient Intelligent, thereby improving your care experiences.
Our Team

Nadine van Dongen
Founder and Managing Director
I founded PIPHealth in 2008 to give patients a voice in their healthcare. I am continuing this mission by undertaking a PhD at Kings College London.

Scott Mason
Patient Insights and Engagement Manager
I joined PIPHealth in 2017 to work with Nadine to give patients a voice. We are a lovely team of passionate people.

Saqib Ullah
Digital Support Manager
I work on the digital content and support at PIPHealth and thoroughly enjoy working with the passionate team.

Helen Onbright
Research Director
I work with Nadine on the important mission to make healthcare more ‘Patient Intelligent’ as a Research Director.
Friends of PIPHealth
Professor John Weinman
Professor of Psychology and Applied Medicine at Kings College London
Dr Martha Cranfield
Research Associate
Marijke Renkens, MD.
Medical Affairs at Servier Netherlands
Ton & Marian van Dongen
PIPHealth supporters from day one